Secrets to Staying Slim
Know What You Are Eating
Shop for the most nutritious foods. It is easier than ever to know what you are eating. The Food and Drug Administration Nutrition Facts label on many foods will break down serving size, calories, fat, sodium and other important facts. Challenge yourself to become a nutrition detective. As you peruse the grocery store aisles, take the time to read the labels before you buy. You may be surprised at what you find out, and it will help you to avoid purchasing foods that are nutritionally empty, yet calorie rich.
Keep a Calorie Journal
A calorie journal is helpful to stay on track. Many people keep a calorie and mood journal. Even if you only attempt this for a short while, it will benefit you to understand when and why you eat certain foods. At the end of the week, review your daily consumption. You may be surprised at the actual amount of calories you consumed, verses what you thought you consumed. Tailor your diet according to what you discover and make positive changes where necessary.
Exercise is essential to staying slim. According to Healthlife, you should aim for a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes daily. If time is not available, break up your sessions to 10 minutes each throughout the day, and focus on quality. Rotate and stack your types of exercise to make it challenging. Choose walking, aerobics, yoga, cycling, swimming, kick-boxing, weight training and any other exercise that you enjoy. You need not join a fitness center either, as home workouts are just as effective when done properly. The key is to keep it enjoyable to avoid burnout.
Think "Slim"
The biggest secret to staying slim is to make it a lifetime habit and not a quick remedy. Find ways daily to stay slim such as: taking the stairs, picking a distant parking space, getting up from your chair often, eating small meals every few hours, bringing your lunch to work, doing yard work and housework yourself, walking or riding a bike instead of driving when possible, drinking lots of water, ordering smaller meals at restaurants, using your lunch-break as a fitness break, etc. As you adopt these into your life, you will find even more ways until it becomes a way of life.
Surround Yourself With Positive People
Stay motivated with a fitness group. One of the biggest challenges to staying slim can be the company we keep. Search for others who uplift and motivate you to stay on track. Join a fitness group or start one in your neighborhood. Check your local Parks and Recreation Department for groups that meet weekly such as running, cycling, swimming and walking clubs. Join an online group dedicated to fitness and weight control where you can applaud each others' efforts.
Don't Obsess About the Scale
Staying slim is a lifelong habit that need not be ruled by the weight scale. The Denver Examiner finds that our weight fluctuates daily due to many factors. Understanding and accepting this will free you from the need to check your weight constantly. In fact, the scale can often be our biggest challenge to staying slim as we try to fight the fluctuations. Stay on track through monitoring your diet and exercise, and only use the scale as one measure of success.