How to Gain Neck Muscle
Things You'll Need
- 10-pound weight plate
- Chair
Warm up and stretch your neck, shoulders and back before beginning a neck muscle workout.
Sit in a flat, hard chair with both feet placed firmly on the ground to perform neck extensions. Position both palms on your forehead and provide resistance. Make a slow nodding movement, raising your head as if looking toward the ceiling and lowering it as if looking at the ground while providing steady, firm resistance.
Lock the fingers together behind the head while sitting in a firm chair with both feet on the floor. Create resistance with the hands and push the head back, holding it for 15 seconds. Slowly release and repeat 10 to 15 times.
Place the right hand on the right side of your head and push the head toward the left while resisting the movement. Repeat this exercise on the left side with the left hand while pushing the head toward the right.
Work the muscles at the back of your neck by laying down on a flat surface with your head hanging over the edge. Place a 10-pound weight plate at the back of your head and hold it in place with the hands. Slowly lift the head upward and lower it, allowing the weight to provide resistance. Repeat in three sets of 10 repetitions twice a week.