Hip Flexor Muscle Strengthening Exercises
Vertical Knee Tucks
Using a chin/dip assist machine can be used to target the proper muscle groups. Start by standing on the apparatus, facing out, with your back firmly pressed against the back pad and your forearms on the forearms pads. Step off the foot pads to allow your body to hang above the ground. Keeping your feet together, draw both knees up to your chest to fully contract your hip flexor muscles. Briefly pause before slowly lowering them towards the floor to complete the first repetition. Repeat the movement for 10 to 12 repetitions over to to three sets. To reduce the strain on your lower back, keep your back pressed firmly against the back pad.
Vertical Leg Raises
Stand on the chin/dip machine as you did for the knee tuck exercise, making sure your back and forearms are secured against the appropriate pads. After you step off the footpads, however, rather than raising your knees to your chest, raise both legs, and feet, to a height that makes them parallel to the floor. Your legs should be straight, except for a slight bend in your knee. Briefly pause before lowering your legs back to the starting position. Repeat the movement 12 to 15 times to complete the first set, using the exercise for two to three sets.
Stability Ball Knee Tucks
The stability ball knee tuck exercise requires the use of an abdominal stability ball used at your feet to stabilize your lower body. Start by kneeling on the floor, placing both feet on the ball, gripping the ball with your ankles and feet. Place both hands on the floor, walking them forward to a point that your body is fully extended once you lift your knees off the floor. This is the starting position for the knee tuck exercise. Use your hands and abdominal muscles to stabilize your upper body as you roll the ball towards your body by bringing both knees to your chest. Briefly pause before rolling the ball back to the starting position to complete the first repetition. Repeat the movement for 12 to 15 repetitions to complete the first set. Use two to three sets to fully train the hip flexor muscle group. Make sure you keep your body, except for your hands, off the floor through the entire exercise.
Stability Ball Pike Raises
The stability ball pike exercise uses an abdominal stability ball in a similar manner as the knee tuck exercise. The starting position of the pike exercise is the same as the knee tuck exercise. The basic movement, however, is slightly different. Rather than drawing both knees towards your chest, you must keep your legs straight and draw your hips into the air, to a point that your body forms an inverted "V". Throughout the movement, your hands should maintain contact with the floor while your feet maintain contact with the stability ball.