Books on Athletic Training
Books for Teaching
When it comes to teaching in a private institute, books on athletic training can be essential to understanding the business of fitness. Many books for teaching athletic training also include chapters on "management theory, reimbursement models and issues in the educational setting," according to "Administrative Topics in Athletic Training: Concepts to Practice" by Gary Harrelson EdD, ATC; Greg Gardner EdD, ATC and Andrew P. Winterstein PhD, ATC "is a dynamic text that addresses important administrative issues and procedures," including almost all aspects of "an athletic training health care delivery system."
Interactive Books
Some athletic training books can be accessed entirely online. Interactive books can offer multiple methods of athletic training study. "Manual Muscle Testing: An Interactive Tutorial" by Marcia Epler PhD, PT, ATC and Susan Wainwright MPT, BS, includes "demonstrations better than any text provides," with the use of CD-ROM technology, according to the Slack Books site. This book offers audio, text and video providing "comprehensive information to improve skills when performing" and testing strength assessment.
Research Texts
Athletic training can also involve stretching and massage. Literature on athletic training can also be written in the form of an academic textbook. Books like this are often used in universities and are required for students studying medicine, physical therapy and human anatomy. "Biomechanics of Human Motion: Basics and Beyond for the Health Professions" by Barney F. LeVeau PhD, PT is a text to help make theoretical understanding of athletic training much easier. "The text," describes Slack Books, "illustrates how force is applied to the human body and how the body applies force to various objects."