Secrets to Gaining Weight Fast
Increase Calorie Intake
Increase your calorie intake by 500 to 700 calories each day. To do this, first record your normal diet for three days to get an idea of what you consume each day. Record the calorie content of everything you eat and drink during this time. Increase this average by 500 to 700 calories, an easy way to do this is to adding a high-calorie protein shake into your diet each day. According to ShapeFit, 3,500 calories make up one pound of fat. At an increase of 500 calories a day, you'll gain 1 pound each week.
Weight Training
Weight training will help your body gain muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than fat, so it will help you gain weight quicker. Begin a weight training routine by doing four to six exercises three to five days each week. Good weight-training activities are weighted squats, bicep curls, triceps curls and bench presses. Several variations of each exercise are available. Consult with your physician to put together a comprehensive strength-training routine for weight gain based on what you have available to you.
Take a multivitamin supplement each day. Different multivitamins for age and sex exist, so choose one that is suited to you. Taking multivitamins gives your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Keeping your body healthy allows it to process the calories which you consume properly and helps your body gain weight. Never take more than the recommended dosage of multivitamin, however; this can result in vitamin overdose with negative effects on your body.