How do I Increase Metabolism in Women Over 40?

It might not be fair, but after 40, a woman's metabolism slows down at a rate of 5 percent per decade. As impossible and frustrating as it may feel at times, there are things a woman can do to help speed up her metabolism.
  1. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

    • Regular aerobic exercise keeps your metabolism up.

      Regular aerobic exercise (like jogging, swimming, biking, cardio classes and fast walking) burns calories and keeps your metabolism humming. Some studies show that you continue to burn more calories per hour after a workout than if you hadn't strapped on those sneakers at all.

    Fuel Up

    • High-protein snacks like hard-boiled eggs, help fuel hard-working muscles.

      Eat smaller, more frequent meals to burn calories more efficiently. Keep your snacks high in protein and low in carbohydrates to stave hunger between meals and fuel your muscles. Drink adequate water to keep the whole system running smoothly.

    Pump Iron

    • A weight-training program builds muscles and speeds metabolism.

      Add a weight-training program to your exercise routine. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat. You'll not only be increasing your metabolism, but you'll be protecting your bones as well. Weight-bearing exercise may also help stave off calcium loss and osteoporosis. To prevent injury, start slowly, or seek the advice of a personal trainer.

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