How to Increase Weight Naturally
Carbohydrates are broken down by your body's metabolic system and used for energy. Carbohydrates not used for energy are stored as body fat. To gain weight, incorporate complex carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, pasta and cereal into your diet.
Calorie Intake
A person's required calorie intake varies depending on activity level, height, weight and gender. On average, you should consume between 1800 and 2000 calories per day to maintain your current body weight. You can gain weight by increasing your calorie intake to exceed the amount of calories you burn each day.
Frequency of Meals
Underweight individuals may feel full faster and have difficulty consuming large quantities of food in one sitting. Instead of the standard breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat five or six smaller meals a day. Also, eat a healthy bedtime snack when your metabolic levels are low and the food energy will be stored rather than used.
Exercise is necessary for overall health. To increase weight, focus on strength training exercises to build muscle mass and minimize calorie burning aerobic exercises.