How to Properly Perform the Pro Agility Drill
The pro agility drill is used to test a player's speed in changing direction. It also can be used to help develop quicker feet when used as a training protocol The drill does not require equipment other than a stopwatch to check times and markings on the floor for the player to use as turning points. The total distance run is 20 yards. Three markings should be set up five yards apart. Additionally, the drill should be performed as part of your regular agility training program to have any lasting developmental changes.Things You'll Need
- Stopwatch
- Floor markings
Stand in a ready position on the middle mark. Bend your knees, lower your hips, and make sure your shoulders are facing forward
On the timer's "go" command, turn to your right and sprint to the mark five yards away.
As you approach the mark, decelerate, lower your hips toward the ground and touch the mark with your right foot.
Turn to your left, keeping your shoulders forward, and immediately sprint back toward your starting point.
Sprint past the starting point to the third mark, which is 10 yards away from the mark at which you made your turn.
As you approach the third mark, decelerate, lower your hips toward the ground and touch the mark with your left foot.
Turn to your right, keeping your shoulders forward, and immediately sprint back toward your starting point.
Accelerate as best you can and sprint through the starting point to finish the drill.
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