How to Increase Caloric Intake

Whether you're increasing your calories for a trip to the arctic or to bump into a higher weight class for an upcoming weightlifting competition, increasing your caloric intake in a healthy and effective manner involves more than just stopping at the donut store every morning. It might seem tempting to take a quick shortcut to adding calories, but as with caloric reduction, you should approach caloric increase as a lifestyle change aimed at accomplishing your goal--and keeping you healthy.


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      Drink more fruit juices. Fruit juices are healthy, like the fruit from which they are derived, but contain many more calories than the fruit itself. You can also consume fruit juices quickly.

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      Eat high-calorie complex carbohydrates. Pasta, potatoes and rice are some choices in this regard; for example, a large single serving of pasta can contain between 800 and 1000 calories.

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      Consume healthy fats. Nuts and fruits that contain healthy, unsaturated fats that allow you to add calories very quickly. An avocado, for example, contains 235 calories, of which 203 are from fat. And 2 tbsp. of peanut butter add about 500 calories to your diet. Bear in mind, however, that the maximum percentage of calories you should consume daily from fats is 25.

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      Eat dried fruits. Dried fruits are concentrated sources of sugar, like juices. A single slice of dried pineapple, for example, contains a whopping 70 calories.

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