How to Calculate Resting Metabolic Rate

BMR stands for basal metabolic rate. RMR stands for resting metabolic rate. Both the BMR and the RMR calculate calories burned in a day if a person were to do no activity at all. The equation used to calculate the BMR is called the Harris Benedict equation and the Mufflin equation calculates the RMR. Today, the RMR is used much more often then the BMR, because the RMR seems to yield more accurate results.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Calculator
  • Scale
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  1. Calculating RMR

    • 1

      For RMR calculations, first you must calculate your weight in kilograms. To do that, first calculate your weight in pounds. After you have weighed yourself, multipy that number by 0.4535. For the height factor you need to calculate centimeters. To do that, find out your standing height in inches, then multiply that number by 2.54.

    • 2

      Caclulating RMR for men:

      (10 X weight in kg) + (6.25 X height in cm) - (6.76 X age) + 66 = RMR

    • 3

      Calculating RMR for women:

      (9.56 X weight in kg) + (1.85 X height in cm) - (4.68 X age) + 655 = RMR

    • 4

      Calculating BMR for men:

      (10 X weight in kg) + (6.25 X height in cm) - (5 X age) + 5 = BMR

    • 5

      Calculating BMR for women:

      (10 X weight in kg) + (6.25 X height in cm) - (5 X age) +161= BMR

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