How do I Lose Belly Fat Fast?

You probably have never met someone who does not want a slim, taught tummy. It is the area of the body people feel most self-conscious about. However, not only is stubborn belly fat unwanted and embarrassing at times, but too much padding around the midsection can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancers. Fast-food diets and the lack of exercise are to thank for increased belly fat, but with some lifestyle tweaks and diet changes, you will be able to shed some, if not all, of your belly fat and be on a path to a new and trimmer you.


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      Get plenty of sleep. Your body needs at least seven hours of sleep per night. Feeling rested will help you stay focussed, reduce stress and provide increased energy for exercise. Georgia State University nutrition professor, Christine Rosenbloom explains that, "If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you must eat a healthy, controlled-calorie diet and get regular exercise -- around 60 minutes a day of moderate activity, like brisk walking." Cardio exercises can be anything such as jogging, cycling or an aerobic class.

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      Consistence is key. To ultimately win the battle of belly fat, you must stick with the right eating and exercise plan on a daily basis, not just when you feel like it.

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      Monitor the food you eat. Avoid the obvious fatty foods such as hamburgers, fries and pizza, and replace your meals with fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It is important to also control your portion size of any food you consume to avoid overeating. Though there is no magic food to melt away belly fat specifically, "The Flat Belly Diet" book presents the idea that you can lose belly fat by eating a 1,600-calorie controlled diet and lose belly fat combined with cardiovascular activity.

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      Hydrate your body with a minimum of eight glasses of water a day. Hydration is essential to losing belly fat and maintaining the fat burning process of burning calories.

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