How to Reduce a Big Belly
Weight control is imperative to your overall health, and reducing your belly fat is one aspect of maintaining a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese increases your likelihood of developing heart disease, high blood pressure and certain cancers. What's more, carrying extra weight in the midsection increases the risk of fatty liver disease and acid reflux. But fortunately, there are simple and quick ways to reduce a larger belly and slim your waistline.Instructions
Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes a day. Add cardiovascular exercises such as aerobics, biking and running to your schedule to burn fat and calories. Check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
Participate in exercises that engage the core muscles and slim a big belly. Concentrate on exercises designed to flatten and tone the belly, like sit-ups and side crunches. Ab machines at your local gym can shape the stomach muscles, as does Pilates and yoga.
Trade in sugar and fatty foods for fruits and vegetables. Eat about five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. These low-calorie, filling choices can help slim your belly. Avoid fried and fast foods, and opt for lean meats like salmon and turkey.
Drink more water. Constantly drinking sugary drinks can add extra calories and contribute to a larger midsection. Consume sodas, energy drinks, sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages in moderation, and replace these beverages with water -- about eight glasses a day.
Reverse water weight. Eat no more than 1,500 of sodium a day to get rid of water weight in the belly. The accumulation of water in your body can add extra pounds of weight. Limit your intake of processed or packaged foods. These typically have a higher sodium content.