How to Lose Your Belly Pouch
Reduce fat cells. Lowering your body fat entirely helps get rid of weight in the stomach and eliminates a belly pouch. Eat a low-fat diet and avoid fried foods and fast foods. Eat fewer calories a day, about 500 to lose one pound of body fat a week, and add fruits, vegetables, lean meats and healthy fats such as almonds and nuts to your diet.
Up your cardiovascular workouts. A consistent cardio-fitness program slims your entire body and burns fat in your abdomen. Get active for 30 to 60 minutes a day. Go for a bike ride, skate, swim, jog or power walk.
Add stomach crunches and other abdominal exercises for best results. Exercise alone helps get rid of a belly pouch. But to achieve well-defined stomach abs, include sit-ups and other belly exercises such as leg lifts and side crunches to eliminate weight in the lower abdomen and sides (love handles).
Alleviate abdominal bloating. Being bloated can add weight and increase the size of your belly. Avoid foods and drinks known to trigger bloating such as certain vegetables (onions, green peppers and lettuce), dairy products and carbonated drinks. Digestive enzyme supplements taken before meals can reduce bloating.
Lose water weight. Drink 64 ounces of water daily to stop edema or fluid retention. Extra water in the body can cause the stomach to bulge.