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How Do I Build an Appetite for Weight Gain Naturally?
If a person naturally has a small appetite, he may have a hard time gaining weight, because it is hard to eat without being hungry. It is just as important not to be underweight as it is not to be overweight. Malnutrition can cause many different ailments, such as chronic fatigue, hair loss, decreases in bone density, insomnia and increased risk of infections.To gain weight naturally, you must increase your appetite; to do so healthfully involves carefully selecting appropriate foods to optimize weight gain. There are natural herbs and vitamins that help increase a person's appetite so he can gain weight in a healthy way.Things You'll Need
- Peppermint
- Fennel
- Parsley
- Thiamine supplement
Incorporate a lot of protein into your diet when you are hungry. Protein helps to stimulate the appetite.
Drink peppermint tea. Peppermint is a natural herb that increases the appetite. Drinking 2 percent milk is a healthy source of vitamins, and it carries a high amount of good fat. Sweetening the milk with honey will also help you gain weight faster.
Chew on parsley or fennel. Both herbs will cause you to be more hungry. You can also chew on a mix of ginger slices and lemon juice to stimulate your appetite.
Take a thiamine supplement. Thiamine is a vitamin that increases your metabolism, which will stimulate your appetite.