How Do I Lose Weight With a Sluggish Thyroid?
Consult your doctor to see if you need thyroid replacement therapy. If so, this may help your thyroid to function normally. Successful weight loss depends on taking the right medication, so it is important to seek professional advice.
Look for herbal alternatives that contain Commiphora mukul extract, also known as Guggul. This natural herb has been used in Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional Hindu medicine, for nearly 3,000 years to increase metabolism. Coleus Forskohlii is another traditional herb known to increase thyroid function and help with weight loss.
Avoid foods that are known to upset thyroid balance. These include soda and drinks containing caffeine, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, foods containing added sugar, processed foods and most fast foods. Avoiding foods containing soy is also wise; these can reduce the body's ability to produce thyroid hormones, upsetting the endocrine system.
Broccoli is a member of the Brassica family of vegetables. Avoid eating the Brassicas family of vegetables, which contain goitrogens. While eating more vegetables is generally recommended, anyone with low thyroid function should not eat goitrogen foods. Studies have shown broccoli, kale and kohlrabi, turnips, mustard, rutabaga, cabbage and Brussels sprouts can reduce thyroid function.
Ensure that your diet contains enough iodine and tyrosine. The thyroid gland needs good quality protein to function correctly. Good sources of tyrosine include dairy, produce (especially avocados and bananas), fish such as salmon and tuna, poultry, nuts and seeds. Iodine rich foods include seaweed and kelp.
Eat a wide range of fruits and vegetables along with whole grains. Fiber is particularly important for weight loss. Organic brown rice and pasta or beans are filling and give you long-lasting energy. Get enough omega-3 fatty acids in the form of flax seeds, flaxseed oil, walnuts or pumpkin seeds. Snack on a handful of Brazil nuts each day. Brazil nuts contain good levels of selenium, another important mineral for the thyroid. Studies have shown that those who eat nuts, such as Brazil nuts and almonds, lose more weight.
Drink plenty of water and help speed up your metabolism by exercising at least three to five times a week. Regular aerobic exercise will boost your serotonin levels, which are often low in people with hypothyroidism. This will also help with appetite control and depression. Yoga can be helpful as it teaches you how to breath properly, which can be a problem for anyone who is overweight or unfit.