How do I Get a Flat Stomach as a Teenager?
Walk to increase physical activity. If you don't play sports or you don't enjoy exercise, take a brisk 30 to 60- minute walk around your neighborhood or mall each day. You'll be burning calories and likely losing stomach weight.
Incorporate sit-ups or Pilates. While walking drops weight, getting a flat stomach will involve some sort of core workout to strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles. Buy a Pilates DVD and exercise to it, or do a set of sit-ups (perhaps 25 to 50) in the mornings before school and in the evenings before bedtime.
Adopt a healthy diet. Fast foods and fried foods are teen favorites. However, regular drive-through visits can lead to increased body fat and give you an even larger midsection. Cut out fast foods and other unhealthy choices. Plan to eat more vegetables and fruits, and don't stuff yourself. Stop eating when you feel full.
Eat sweets in moderation. Like fast foods, eating candy, ice cream and other sugary treats on a regular basis can block your efforts to lose weight and get a flat stomach.
Drink more water. Energy drinks and sodas are the beverage of choice for many young adults and teenagers. However, the caffeine in these drinks can cause dehydration and prompt fluid retention. Drink extra water (about eight glasses a day) to help remedy bloating and water weight around the stomach.