Reasons Why People Diet
Better Body
Perhaps the most common reason for dieting is to improve one's appearance. An increase in activity and a decrease in caloric intake is the best way for anyone to lose weight. Though crash diets that eliminate an entire food group from one's eating habits are rarely effective in the long term, simple healthy eating in a smart ratio to your caloric output can dramatically reduce one's waistline.
Health Issues
Many people are forced to live on a restricted diet their whole lives due to medical reasons. For instance, people who cannot process gluten must purchase gluten-free products and steer clear of bread. The decision to diet for medical reasons is a conversation best had with your family doctor, who will provide guidance on the best way to eat for any health condition.
Food is fuel, first and foremost. What you put into your body determines how your body runs. A body fueled by junk food often feels sluggish and unmotivated, while a body fueled by fresh ingredients, fruits, vegetables and whole grain runs more effectively. Some dieters watch what they eat to help increase energy levels throughout the day.
Mental Health
"You are what you eat." This saying is true for mental as well as physical health when it comes to dieting. How your brain works is influenced by what you put into your body. For instance, an evening of drinking affects your brain's mental capacity just as an evening of ice cream and cookies can have similar effects on your mind.