3 Day Radish Diet
It is best to wean yourself off of things such as caffeinated beverages, heavy meats, junk foods and other processed foods before starting a three-day radish diet. This will help the body efficiently dispose of waste and toxins when on the radish diet.
The process for completing a three-day radish diet is generally simple. For three days you ingest mainly radishes, either raw and whole or juiced, as well as water in order to cleanse the system. You should eat or drink enough so that they feel full. Other versions of the three-day diet include a number of different fruits and vegetables, not just radishes.
Besides the natural detoxification of the body by way of the three-day radish diet, radishes themselves are incredibly beneficial to your overall health. There are various benefits that radishes have against ailments including warding off jaundice, cancer, leucoderma and fever, helping with skin, urinary, kidney and respiratory disorders, improving function of the liver and gallbladder. Radishes are also loaded with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin B, folic acid and iron.