How do I Lose Lots of Weight Fast With Exercise?
Getting Started
Create and understand your goals. Determine exactly how much weight you hope to lose and in what time frame. This will determine the amount of exercise to which you will have to commit. The first goal that must be met when losing weight is to burn more calories in the day than you take in. Three thousand five hundred calories make up one pound; therefore, you must calculate how many calories you need to burn weekly to achieve your end goal.
Intensify your workout and increase your metabolism. Luckily, these two go hand in hand. Intensity is key when trying to burn calories. Slow jogs or long walks only burn a minimal amount of calories when performed and even less after the exercise is finished. An intense workout is one in which you are using at least 80 percent of your physicality. This will burn an enormous amount of calories and stimulate your metabolism which will continue to burn calories long after you workout has ended.
Find an interval workout that is best for you. An interval workout allows you to reach intervals of intensity while incorporating intervals of recuperation. The best interval workouts for weight loss are jumping rope, sprinting, and spinning (cycling). The key is to reach the highest intensity for the longest amount of time and then recovering enough to do it again and again.
Jump rope in intervals. Jumping rope is hard and you will probably have to start with short intervals and build your way up. Jump rope for one minute, rest for 30 seconds, and then continue jumping for another minute. Do this until you have jumped rope for 20 minutes without counting rest periods. Gradually increase the length of time you're jumping. You can also increase your break intervals if you need a longer recuperation time.
Find a running track near your house. Start by sprinting one lap around the track followed by one lap of walking. This will make up both your intense interval and recovery interval. Make sure your sprint is a true sprint and not a jog and also that your walk is brisk. Do this until you have sprinted one mile. As your fitness level increases, increase your mileage and intervals of sprinting.
Join a spinning class. Spinning is a high-intensity workout simulating aggressive cycling. Pedal at your maximum intensity level for as long as you can and follow this by an interval of slow pedaling. Continue this cycle for at least a half hour, increasing it as you get better.
Perform whichever form of interval training you choose at least three times a weeks. Depending on your weight loss goals, you may have to increase the frequency of your workout or its length. Keep track of the calories you take in and the calories you burn to make sure you are on track with your goal.