How to Compare Appetite Suppressants
The most important aspect to look for in an appetite suppressant is the ingredients. Do some research and learn how the ingredient interacts with your body to suppress the appetite.The last thing you want to do is take something that will cause you gain more weight as soon as you stop using it. Prescription appetite suppressants can have harmful side effects. According to The Diet Channel,"Chemically similar to amphetamines, appetite suppressants can likewise cause insomnia, nervousness, restlessness and rapid heart beat.
The potency of herbal and prescription appetite suppressants needs to be considered. With higher potency comes more weight loss, and a higher chance of unwanted side effects. Determine your weight loss needs before making a final decision. It's advised to try herbal suppressants, dietary changes, and exercise before moving onto prescription medicine.
As with all weight loss products the results are the most important factor. If an appetite suppressant is not working adequately than switch to another one. If you are losing weight with a herbal appetite suppressant then it is not necessary to obtain a prescription. Remember that since prescription appetite suppressants are similar to amphetamines they can cause addiction and change your behavior.