Athlete Weight Gaining Tips
Increase Calories
To gain weight you will need to increase your intake of calories. According to the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, an additional 500 to 1,000 calories per day can help add lean weight. Eat five meals per day, including snacks in between meals. Your goal should be to add about one pound per week.
Consume Fluids
Drinking fluids can be a good way to consume additional calories both during meals and as a between-meal snack. A quart of cranberry or grape juice can supply an additional 1,000 calories and milkshakes made with protein powders purchased at health food stores are a good source of extra calories. Consuming a sports beverage after a workout will help replenish some of the calories you burned off.
Get Enough Sleep
Make a point of getting a good night's sleep every night. The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension indicates that growth hormones are most active during deep sleep. Your body will develop lean body mass during this time. You will also gain more energy, which will be beneficial during workout routines and while competing in sports.
Strength Training
Engage in a strength-training program at least three days a week to build muscle mass. A strength-training program typically involves lifting weights and includes all of the body's muscle groups. A personal trainer who specializes in working with athletes can help design a strength-training program for any specific sport.
Limit Fat
Although an increase in calories is desirable, don't fill your diet with unhealthy high-fat foods, especially when snacking. Focus on eating a variety of foods to ensure getting the necessary nutrients, including whole grains, lean meat like turkey or chicken, fruits, vegetables and yogurt. A snack of one cup of yogurt and a large glass of fruit juice provides extra low-fat calories, as well as necessary nutrition.