Good Foods for a Breakfast with the Lap Band
Eggs are high in both protein and nutrients, and an extra large egg contains only 80 calories. Hard boiled eggs can be prepared ahead of time, and are extremely portable, making them a good choice for a quick, convenient breakfast. You can also poach, scramble or fry eggs in a small amount of butter. Try adding a small amount of grated cheese to a scrambled egg for flavor, plus extra protein and calcium. You can also top a piece of toast or an English muffin with an egg to make a breakfast sandwich.
Cereal and Toast
Sugar-free cold cereal with milk is a traditional breakfast option, as is toast with a small amount of butter or sugar-free jelly. Try topping some plain or fruit yogurt with cereal for a crunchy, calcium rich breakfast. Read package labels and avoid breads and cereals that are high in fiber.
Fruit can be an excellent breakfast choice, providing that you remove the fibrous parts, such as skins and seeds. Try adding fruit to cereal, or mixing it with high-calcium yogurt. Avoid fruit juices, however, as they can be high in sugar and may fill your stomach quickly, preventing you from eating more nutritious solid foods.