Work Out Tips for Underarm Fat
Lose Fat All Over
In general, a healthy, low-calorie diet and regular workouts will reduce the amount of fat all over your body. That includes the underarm area. The more proportionate your height and weight are, the less wobbly your underarms will be. Because of this basic rule of nature, it's important to work toward a healthy weight in order to maximize toned underarms.
Adhere to Workout Regimen
Create a consistent workout regimen that incorporates cardio exercise and focuses on your underarm area specifically. Begin with all-over stretching and then move on to 10 to 20 minutes of cardio activity. That includes running, biking, stairs, swimming or whatever else appeals to you. Afterwards, tailor your workout to your specific underarm needs.
Underarm Workouts Examples
Consider doing four sets of 10 repetitions of these underarm workouts:
Tricep Kickbacks
Place your left knee and left hand on a bench while keeping your back straight. Grip a 5-pound dumbbell in your other hand and lift it straight forward so that your arm is stretched out in front of you. Tense your arm, lower it and repeat.
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press
Lay on a flat bench or the ground. Take two 5- to 10-pound dumbbells in either hand and then quickly press them up and together at the same time. Slowly lower the dumbbells down and apart.