How Can I Put on Weight Sensibly?

Information regarding healthy weight loss abounds today, but it can be considerably more difficult to learn how to put on weight sensibly. When increasing your weight, aim specifically for an increase in lean body mass as opposed to simply adding pounds. Lean body mass is defined as the total weight of muscle, connective tissue and bone combined, according to Rutgers University. Accomplish this by paying attention to not just the amount but also the type of food included in your diet.


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      Increase calorie consumption by 500 to 1,000 calories per day to gain one pound per week. These calories should come from a variety of healthy foods, not just high-fat or high-protein choices, according to the University of Arizona. Eating high-calorie, nutritious foods such as peanut butter, nuts, and dried fruits minimizes fat gain while still allowing you to add to your total weight.

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      Begin a strength training program to increase lean body mass. Perform compound exercises that use more than one muscle to maximize hormonal responses and thus muscle growth, according to Rutgers University. Maximize growth of muscle mass by keeping your training routine fresh, varying numbers of sets, weight used or exercise performed for each muscle group.

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      Eat frequent meals and snacks throughout the day, including before and after workouts. Increase the size of each portion to easily add more calories to your daily diet as well. Include caloric beverages with your meals such as juices and milk, as suggested by the University of Arizona.

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      Get plenty of rest to allow your body to recover from your strength training program. The body also releases its highest levels of human growth hormone during sleep. This is necessary for building new muscle and adding weight, according to the University of Arizona.

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