The Best Ways to Jump a Slow Metabolism
Do More Strength Training Exercises
The more muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate. A pound of muscle uses about six calories per day to sustain itself. A pound of fat uses only two calories per day, according to Medicinenet.
if you're new to lifting weights, start with small weights between three to five pounds. As you get conditioned and stronger, gradually increase the weight.
Laugh More
According to CNN Health, a study done at the University in Nashville Tennessee showed that laughter increases metabolic rate. A metabolic chamber, a small room that calculated metabolic rate by measuring body-heat output, calculated an increase in rate by 10-40 calories after subjects watched humorous videos, according to CNN Health.
Sleep More
According to MSN, lean muscle regenerates every night in the last final hours of sleep. Because having more muscle increases metabolic rate, sleep that keeps the muscle regenerating will jump a slow metabolism. Avoid taking long naps during the day, it could keep you awake a night.
Drink More Water
The body needs water to burn calories. Just being a little dehydrated decreases metabolic rate. WebMD reports that in a study, Dr. Michael Boschmann, and other colleagues from the Berlin's Franz-Volhard clinical research center tracked several subjects and found that, when they drank 17 ounces of water, their metabolic rates increased 30 percent. WebMD also notes that metabolism rises partly as a result of the body's attempt to heat the water.
Keep your body hydrated by drinking water in between meals and eating fruit that has a high content such as watermelon and grapes.
Eat Spicier Foods
Eating spicy foods like chili peppers can temporarily jump metabolic rates as much as 23 percent, according to Medicinenet. Although this jump may be temporary, eating spicy foods on a continual basis could cause the increase to add up over time. Add red pepper or other spicy seasonings to your dishes on a regular basis.