Social Effects of Lack of Exercise on Kids
Sleep Deprivation
A lack of exercise can lead to sleep deprivation, which in turn can lead to depression and a tendency to overeat. Your child will lack the enthusiasm and energy he needs for daily activities without the cleansing and rebuilding a full night's sleep provides.
Self Perception
Self image affects posture, eye contact and how people generally carry themselves and how they are ultimately received by their peers. A lack of exercise fosters laziness and can make your child feel physically inadequate, even if he is not obese. A low self esteem affects how a child interacts with his peers.
Society places a higher value on those who are thin and attractive. Common misconceptions develop based on a person's appearance. Athletic children are considered healthy and attractive, and as a result, smarter as well. Obese children on the other hand are burdened with the misconception that they are lazy and slow physically and mentally.
Obesity and Complications
Obesity puts a strain on the respiratory system and can be harmful to the heart. Daily activities can be draining and less enjoyable if your child is carrying too much weight. Ultimately, it can lead to antisocial behavior and an even greater inclination to avoid exercise altogether.
Weaker Immune System
Allow your child to avoid exercise and he may become more prone to sickness and infections because of a weakened immune system. This can lead to missed school days, inattentiveness in class and an overall lack of energy when dealing with his day-to-day tasks.
Deficient Motor Skills
Your child can stunt the development of his motor skills and hand-eye coordination if he does not exercise during the critical stages of growth. This can have a daunting effect on his confidence when he is trying to fit in with fellow classmates as the years progress. Playing on sports teams, the respect of his peers and the ability to ward off bullies can all be swayed by his physical prowess. In most cases, confidence in sports is merely a result of a child being, or at least feeling, in shape. Your child is no different.