How to Inflate a Thera-Band Ball
Things You'll Need
- Thera-Band Exercise Ball
- Air compressor
Locate the air plug on the ball, and lay the uninflated ball on the floor where the plug can be easily accessed. It is recommended that you position the ball with the plug facing up.
Plug the hose of an air compressor into the plug on the ball. Turn on the air compressor and slowly pump air into the ball.
Inflate the ball until it feels firm. You should be able to press the ball with your finger without leaving impressions on the ball. Close the plug on the ball so that air does not escape.
Test the ball by sitting on it. If it is inflated properly, your hips and legs should line up in a perpendicular fashion, as if you are sitting in a chair. If your hips and legs are uneven, adjust the air level by inflating or deflating the ball until you can sit evenly and comfortably on the sphere.