Living Room Exercises
Chest Exercises
Developing a strong chest is one of the most sought-after goals for many men and women. Clear out enough room so that you can lay down flat in order to perform push-ups. Beyond push-ups, you can do chair dips. Grab two living room chairs and put them about shoulder length apart, with the seats facing each other. To perform a dip, sit down between the chairs, place one hand on each chair seat and lift yourself off the ground.
Back Exercises
You can do back exercises in your living room by manipulating your furniture.These exercises can be risky if done improperly, so be sure your furniture is sturdy. If you don’t have a pull-up bar in your house, you can do pull-ups using a door. Just open your door, grab the top ledge of the door itself, and pull yourself up. Make sure the door is sturdy enough to support your weight. You can do inverted rows by using a table. Crawl underneath the table and lay down. Grab the ledge of the table--keeping your body straight--and pull yourself up; this should appear as if you are doing a reverse push-up.
Leg Exercises
When doing leg exercises, you will want to have a wall you can lean against in your living room. You can lean against the wall and do several variations of squats, including standard and one-legged squats. Leaning against the wall will help you keep your back straight and stay stabilized during the exercise. You can also do regular squats away from the wall if you have enough strength. You can perform calf raises by simply standing and elevating yourself onto your toes for multiple repetitions.
Cardio Exercises
You can do cardio exercises in your living room even if you do not have a lot of space. If your ceiling is high enough, use a jump rope. You can do other simple variations of cardio, such as running in place, jumping jacks and blurpees. To perform a blurpee, do a push-up followed immediately by a jumping jack.