What Are Cardispan Injections?
Cardispan injections were originally developed to treat carnitine amino acid deficiencies in pregnant women and people suffering from hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), reports Sensational.com. A serendipitious effect of these injections was an increase in the metabolism of fat. As a result, Cardispan has become popular in the diet and fitness industry.-
According to Sensational.com, Cardispan is manufactured in Mexico. It has not garnered approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and no research exists as to the injectable's efficacy. The literature claims that by injecting targeted fatty areas with Cardispan, a person can experience spot fat reduction.
Cardispan injections are believed to deliver liquid L-Carnitine directly into fatty tissue. The fat deposits are then broken down and metabolized. Bodybuilders with relatively low body fat who want to spot reduce are the main audience for this product. The injectable can be purchased online in a range of quantities by several different vendors.
The meager literature on Cardispan lists only L-Carnitine as a key ingredient. This essential amino acid is said to aid in the transport of fat to locations in the body where it can be converted into energy. No scientific research exists to back this claim.
The makers of Cardispan offer claims to its efficacy that include fat burning and the blocking of fat storage. However, no reliable sources can be found in the literature to prove Cardispan's fat-reducing properties. Customer testimonials, other than those posted at weight-loss forums, are nonexistent.
A box of Cardispan liquid solution for injection is sold for $47, explains Sensational.com. However, there is no indication as to how much Cardispan is provided in a single box. The drug cannot be purchased in the United States. In addition to its availability in Mexico, it can be found in some South American countries.