Age & Ideal Body Weight
Determining Base Body Weight for Women
Women can determine their desired base weight using this simple formula. Starring at a baseline of 100 lbs. and 5 feet, add 5 lbs. for each additional inch. For instance, a woman who stands 5-feet-6-inches-tall would have a desired weight of 130 lbs. (100 + (6 x 5) = 130). This formula, however, does not take into account the size of a woman's frame.
Determining Base Body Weight for Men
For men the formula is a little different. Starting at a baseline of 106 lbs. and 5 feet, add 6 lbs. for every additional inch. For example, a man with a height of 5-feet-11-inches-tall has a desired base body weight of 172 (106 + (11 x 6) = 172). Just like women, this weight does not take a man's frame into consideration.
Determining Frame Size for Women
With a tape measure, record the circumference of your wrist. If your height is less than 5-feet-2-inches and your wrist measures less than 5.5 inches you have a small frame; if the wrist is 5.75 inches, you have a medium frame; bigger than 5.75 inches, large. If your height is more than 5-feet-2-inches but less than 5-feet-5-inches and your wrist measures less than 6 inches, you're small-framed; from 6 inches to 6.25 inches medium-framed; more than 6.25 inches large-framed. And if you stand taller than 5-feet-5-inches with a wrist size under 6.25 inches, you're small-framed; from 6.5 inches to 7.5 inches medium-framed; more than 6.5 inches large-framed.
Determining Frame Size for Men
For men the formula is less complicated and is only implemented for men taller than 5-feet-5-inches. Just like the women, measure the circumference of your wrist. If under 6.5 inches you are small-framed; between 6.5 inches and 7.5 inches medium-framed; more than 7.5 inches large-framed.
The Final Calculation
Now that you have calculated your base weight and your body frame size, you can determine your ideal body weight. For men and women, the calculation is the same: If you have a small frame deduct 10 percent from your base weight; for a large frame, increase the weight by 10 percent; and for a medium frame, your base weight is your ideal weight.