How to Gain Weight in the Butt Area
Things You'll Need
- 2- to 5-lb. dumbbells
- A diet plan rich in carbohydrates and proteins
Begin by changing your diet. Eat foods rich in carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, potatoes, and bread. Supplement your diet with protein-rich foods like fish, beef, chicken, beans and nuts. The carbohydrate-rich foods will add weight to your behind, while the protein-rich foods will help to build muscle. Keep in mind, your body is likely to add weight elsewhere as well.
Do exercises tailored for the buttocks. Lunges and squats are the best options for getting a rounder, firmer and plumper butt. These particular moves will strengthen your glutes and add inches to your derriere. Do about 10 reps and three sets of each exercise two to three times a week. For best results, hold dumbbells in your hands as you do these exercises.
To perform squats, stand with your feet shoulder width apart, keep your shoulders back and abs tight, bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and return to the standing position.
To perform lunges, stand with your feet shoulder width apart, step forward with your right leg, bending at both knees with your left knee a few inches above the ground, return to standing position. Repeat with the left leg.
With both exercises, do not allow the bending (squatting or lunging) knee to extend over the toes on the same leg. Doing so puts extra strain on the knee and can cause damage.
Walk or run at least twice a week. Both options will work your butt muscles and tone up your body overall. Also, try swimming or dancing as alternatives. If you're feeling ambitious, take a ballet class. The traditional ballet moves will tone your legs and give you a firm and shapely butt.
Try stair-climbing or cycling. Both are great exercises for adding muscle and mass to the butt area. Ride a bike for at least five miles a week or take a spinning class.
Don't give up. Continue this diet and exercise plan until you have achieved the desired results. However, keep in mind that adding weight to your buttocks will take lots of time and energy. It may take up to six months to see dramatic results so don't lose hope if you haven't achieved your goal in a month or two.