What Is the Benefit of Bifidus?
The presence of Bifidobacterium in the intestines will help regulate the intestinal tract. Since this bacteria is already present in the body, the addition of extra bacteria will only make the natural function of the intestines even more effective. Dr. Elaine Magee, MPH, RD, states in the article "The Benefits of Yogurt," published March 7, 2007; that the addition of yogurt containing the probiotic Bifidobacterium is beneficial to many aspects of daily body functions.
The bacterial Bifidobacterium also aids in digestion. The bacteria helps to break down foods and send them into the intestines if they are no longer needed, or breaks them down into nutrients that are sent into the rest of the body. Taking yogurt with Bifidobacterium included can also have a soothing affect on an upset stomach. It is important to purchase the right kind of yogurt for this process to be effective. Only yogurt with live or active cultures are effective at aiding the digestion. Since Bifidobacterium is usually present in yogurt, you also get the additional benefits that come from milk, such as protein, increased bone mass, resistance to yeast infections and lower blood pressure.
Bifidobacterium can also help increase immunity in people who take it regularly. However, according to Dr. Elaine Magee, MPH, RD, there is usually not a large enough strain in yogurt to achieve these benefits. She recommends purchasing product supplements containing Saccharomyces boulardii and Lactobacillus rhamnosus from a health food store if you want to achieve the full immunity-boosting properties of probiotics.
It is important to be aware of the marketing campaigns that yogurt companies will create preying on the known benefits of yogurt and Bifidobacterium. Much of the benefits of Bifidobacterium may not actually be present in yogurt sold in the supermarket. Some bacteria may not extend through the shelf life of the product, meaning that the bacteria may not be alive by the time you consume it.
Time Frame
Most benefits that are achieved through the consumption of Bifidobacterium will appear after one to six weeks. This is why many yogurt companies ask consumers to try the product for two to four weeks in commercials.