PKD Diet

The PKD diet was developed to help those diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease. The plan is simple and more of a lifestyle choice than a diet. By limiting animal products and relying on plant-based foods, you are naturally helping your kidney’s function.
  1. What is PKD?

    • PKD, or polycystic kidney disease, is a genetic disorder that affects 1 in 500 people regardless of age, sex or race. A normal kidney is the size of a closed first and should weigh 1/3 lb. People with PKD have kidneys that develop cysts, which causes the kidneys to increase in both size and weight. This affects the functioning of other organs and general health.

      Patients have few or no symptoms with PKD, but it is a genetic disorder so you can be tested for it if it runs in your family. If you have symptoms like high blood pressure, chronic pain and heaviness, blood in your urine, urinary tract infections or kidney stones, ask your doctor about PKD. The disease could have gone undiagnosed in you or your family members.

    What is the PKD Diet?

    • The PKD Diet is an alkaline plant-based diet high in protein and low in salt designed to enhance your kidney health. The diet relies heavily on plant-based foods and limits animal products and salt. Animal products that are allowed are broth, lamb, white fish, soft white cheese, cottage cheese and egg yolks. Animal products should be limited to 3 oz. per day.

      The salt intake allowed on the PKD diet is 1/8 teaspoon per day or 1,200 milligrams of sodium. All food that is grown from the earth or on a tree is allowed in any quantity. Those foods include fruits, nuts, berries, legumes and grains. Be sure to add plenty of plant-based foods that are heavy in protein to offset your lack of animal product consumption. Those products include spelt, legumes, seeds and nuts.

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