Meso vs. Endo Body Types
The head of a mesomorph is squarish and well-muscled. Mesomorphs tend to have squarish, well-defined heads with thick hair. Endomorph heads are more rounded, and the hair is usually fine.
Shoulders and Chest
Endomorphs and mesomorphs both have broad shoulders. Mesomorphs display broad shoulders and chests, with good posture. An endomorph may have broad shoulders and a barrel chest, but the muscles may be less defined.
Endomorphs must work harder to keep their waists proportionate. The waist of a mesomorph is proportionately small, presenting an hourglass figure in women. Endomorphs tend to carry weight in the middle, giving a rounded appearance.
Hands and feet give a clue to your body type. The hands and feet of the mesomorph are proportionate, with medium-size digits, and the muscles are well-defined. Endomorphs often have small hands and feet in comparison with their height.
In general, the mesomorph is short to medium in height with an athletic build that adds muscle and burns fat easily. The endomorph is usually medium to tall and tends to add muscle easily but has a hard time losing fat.