How to Use Extend Bars to Lose Weight

The ExtendBar is a snack food designed to prevent a spike in blood sugar by breaking down slowly in the body. Each bar claims to deliver energy for up to nine hours. They come in two flavors that range from 150 to 160 calories each. ExtendBars were originally created for people with diabetes to eliminate the complications of sudden increases in blood sugar. However, these bars can also be helpful for weight loss purposes.


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      Keep an ExtendBar with you before car travel to avoid the temptation of high-calorie fast food restaurants. A drop in blood sugar is one of the physical triggers that tells your brain that you're hungry. If you tend to stop at drive-through restaurants after work, eat an ExtendBar as a snack a few hours after your lunch break. This will help to prevent you from feeling hungry during your commute home when you're most likely to stop for unhealthy foods. Also, have an ExtendBar before long car trips or on the weekends before running errands.

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      Drink a large glass of water with each ExtendBar. Since each bar is relatively small (40 g), it will not take up much space in your stomach. The expansion of your stomach is another physical trigger for your brain. It signals a feeling of fullness. By having a large glass of water with your snack bar, you can fill up on a calorie-free drink while benefiting from a sustained blood sugar level for many hours.

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      Choose the Delight bars over the Crunch-flavored bars to promote a sense of fullness. Each Delight-flavored bar has 5 to 6 g of fiber vs. the Crunch flavor with only 1 g. Foods with fiber increase the full feeling after a meal. While both flavors will help to sustain blood sugar levels, the Delight bars have the added weight-loss benefit of fiber.

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      Use ExtendBars in an exercise program to prevent a sudden drop in blood sugar. Some people feel dizzy, lightheaded and nauseous during exercise. This could be caused by low blood sugar and waiting too long to exercise after a meal. If you've had to cut your exercise short for low blood sugar symptoms, use ExtendBars to level your blood sugar and complete your workouts. That way, you won't have to miss out on the calorie-burning activities that help you lose weight.

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