The Best Free Ways to Lose Weight Fast
Weight Loss 101
Using more energy than you take in is the key to weight loss. Since there are approximately 3500 calories in a pound of weight, you need to either consume 500 fewer per day for seven days or burn that many a day to lose one pound per week.
Crash Diets
A 10-year reunion may require a temporary, sudden weight loss. Low-carb diets work but are difficult to maintain for long periods.
Cutting carbs is simply a matter of replacing them with proteins and fats. The body loses water weight and begins to burn glucose instead of fat for fuel. Bodybuilders often use this method for to bring out muscle definition.
Keep a Food Diary
Counting calories is not glamorous nor is it much fun. Keeping track of food intake however, can reveal areas that can be improved.
Write down everything you eat for at least a week, noting amounts and times. Add up the calories. You'll see unnecessary snacks, toppings you can do without, or even meals that can be minimized.
Increased activity is the easiest way to lose weight fast. The body needs food to survive, so trying to limit this natural craving is an incredible barrier to cross. By increasing exercise and maintaining current eating habits, the weight will have no other choice but to come off.
Use aerobic exercise as the key calorie burning exercise. Twenty minutes is the minimum, three days per week. More is better but increase in small amounts to prevent burn-out.
Muscle burns fat. Use weights if available, or do calisthenics such as push-ups, pull-ups, or squats.
The Best Free Way to Lose Weight Fast
Competitive bodybuilders exercise first thing in the morning to burn extra fat. During sleep the metabolism is in its lowest state (basal metabolic rate) and is functioning to maintain basic processes (respiration and organ function). Aerobic exercise before breakfast burns extra calories since a fuel source has yet to be consumed.
Increase the intake of dietary fiber. Fiber is healthy for the digestive system and makes you feel fuller longer, minimizing appetite.
Eat the majority of calories early so the body can use them as fuel throughout the day.
Eat five or six small to medium meals a day. Your body's blood sugar levels remain the same and it reduces the urge to overeat.
Intensifying activity will dramatically enhance weight loss. Burn twice the number of calories doing the same activity hard and fast. Clean house fast, walk briskly and run instead of jogging; sprint instead of running.