Metabolism Booster Drugs
Compromising Factors
Sugar and alcohol can wreak havoc on the metabolism. Compromising factors include sporadic or insufficient nutrition, such as missing meals or dramatically reducing calories, in addition to excessive consumption of sugar and alcohol, lack of physical exercise and clinical metabolic disorders such as hypoglycemia or hyperthyroidism.
Metabolic Boosters
Give your metabolism a boost. Metabolism booster drugs combine natural ingredients, such as green tea leaf, cocoa seed extract, guarana herb and ginseng root, with vitamins and minerals believed to enhance the metabolism. These include calcium, chromium polynicotinate, essential fish oils and B-6 and B-12 vitamins.
Ginseng and Guarana
Chinese nutrition mainstay Believed to produce a similar metabolic affect as green tea, ginseng root has been a mainstay in Chinese nutrition for centuries. In addition to enhancing energy and physical endurance, it may also improve memory. Ginseng root is often combined with guarana, a Brazilian herb and potent antioxidant.
Cocoa Seed Extract
Nature's caffeine Cocoa seed extract is nature's caffeine. Providing all the metabolic advantages and none of the side effects of a latte or double espresso, cocoa seed extract is used in several metabolism booster drugs.
Vitamins and Minerals
Take your vitamins. Vitamins B-6 and B-12 act as coenzymes that bond with protein to form an active enzyme. This active enzyme helps the body convert food into fuel, as opposed to storing it as fat. Similarly, chromium polynicotinate helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels, which in turn encourages the body's conversion of food into fuel.
Consult Your Doctor
Doctor knows best. The ingredients in metabolic booster drugs increase energy and diminish appetite, resulting in more calories burned and fewer consumed, when combined with an active lifestyle. As with any dietary supplement, it is important to consult a doctor before taking a metabolism booster drug.