Life Expectancy of Fat Cells
Fat Cells
Fat cells are tiny cells that absorb and accumulate fat from the food that you eat. When consumed, fat is broken down and absorbed into the blood stream. The fat is then grabbed out of the blood system and stored into the fat cells throughout your body.
Fat Cell Creation
Fat cells are only created when you are in the womb and when you are going through puberty. Other than those two times, new fat cells are generally not created.
Fat Cells Don't Die
Unfortunately, fat cells in the body do not die. Those fat cells that you already possess in your body after puberty are the same fat cells that you will possess for the rest of your life.
How Do You Lose Weight?
If fat cells do not die, then how do you get rid of them? When you exercise and eat right, you will start to lose weight. The weight that is lost is fat, but it is not because fat cells are being removed from the body. What is actually happening is that some of the fat that resides in your fat cells is being removed, and then those fat cells are becoming smaller. So, when you lose weight, you are not losing fat cells, but just shrinking the ones that you have.
Only Way to Remove Fat Cells
The only way that fat cells can be removed from the body permanently is if you have them removed via liposuction or some other invasive procedure.