The Best Appetite Suppressants
It may seem counter-intuitive to use food to suppress your appetite, but by eating the right foods, chances are you’ll find yourself fuller and less likely to binge eat. Increasing your fiber intake can serve as a very effective appetite suppressant. Adult women should aim for 25 grams of dietary fiber per day, while men should aim for 38 grams a day. High-fiber foods assist the body in stabilizing blood sugar so you are less likely to experience dips which may lead to binge eating. Healthy, high-fiber foods include oatmeal, apples, raspberries, lentils and whole-wheat pasta. Incorporating more of these foods in your diet may help to decrease your appetite by keeping you fuller for longer.
Water acts as a natural appetite suppressant by keeping your body adequately hydrated. Sometimes you may mistake dehydration for hunger, leading to over-consumption of food. Drinking a cup or more of water before eating makes you feel fuller and less prone to eating as much. Women should try to drink eight cups of water per day and men should aim for 12 cups. Spread out your water intake throughout the day. If plain water is hard for you to stomach, try making a pitcher of herbal tea or squeezing some lemon, lime or orange slices into your water. Take a water bottle with you wherever you go as a reminder to drink frequently.
Snacking on foods that are high in protein can have the effect of appetite suppression. Those who eat high-protein diets generally report feeling fuller for longer, making them less likely to binge or overeat at their next meals. Try to incorporate protein-rich foods into your diet such as fat-free yogurt, small portions of nuts, salmon and skinless chicken. If you’re vegetarian, beans, lentils and soy products can serve as good sources of protein. Protein also aids in the building of muscle, which aids in burning fat.