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Is it Normal for Teens to Rapidly Lose and Gain Weight?
Adolescents are predisposed to rapid physical changes due to hormone development and growth. Approach a conversation with an adolescent through supportive lifestyle adjustments in the family. A teen shouldn't be blamed for his weight gain or loss.-
Registered Dieticians
The American Dietetic Association can provide advice on how to counsel teens about their eating habits.
Teens should not consider their weight gain or loss as an indicator of fat or thin but from a perspective of health. The body mass index assists in the determination of a healthy weight range for an adolescent.
More female adolescents have eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia and binge eating, than males.
Teen boys are likely to stretch up to match their weight with their height between the ages of 12 and 19. There may be weight gain in adolescent boys to support the changes in height.
What Is Normal?
There is no one weight that is correct for every teenager. Talk to your adolescent about her body image and make informed decisions as a family.