List of High Satiety Foods
Include eggs in your daily diet to ward off hunger. A 2005 study titled "Short-Term Effect of Eggs on Satiety in Overweight and Obese Subjects," published in the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition" showed that including an egg at breakfast caused participants to feel fuller, and eat 400 fewer calories throughout the day. Eggs contain high-quality protein, a major contributor to food satiety, as well as a high amount of vitamin D. The Arthritis Foundation cites this vitamin as a way to boost weight loss.
Spread avocado on your toast for a nutritional butter substitute, blend it with tomato, onion, spices and a little lemon juice for a simple guacamole with veggies or eat it on its own. According to the Hawaii Medical Services Association, a little fat goes a long way in staving off hunger. Avocados provide mono- and polyunsaturated fats, which the California Avocado Commission claims should be substituted for unhealthy saturated fats. Avocados provide nutrients as well as satisfying fats, including almost 20 phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. Additionally, one medium avocado contains a one-fifth of the hunger-quelling fiber you need in a day and no sodium to raise blood pressure.
Beans & Legumes
Eat one or more varieties of inexpensive, easily accessible beans. Lentils, and white, black, kidney and garbanzo beans adapt well to a number of hot and cold dishes. Beans are high in protein and fiber, as well as iron and calcium. Fiber and protein are major contributors to food satiety. Because beans are absorbed slowly, you'll feel fuller for longer.
Make potatoes part of your diet. Dr. Susanna Holt of the University of Australia compiled a list of foods according to their ability to satisfy, called "The Satiety Index." Those that made the list did not just temporarily stifle hunger; they kept the eater full. Results were measured by feeding participants a 240-calorie serving of one of 38 foods, then asking them to eat from a buffet hours hours later. Respondents' hunger levels were measured every 15 minutes, as well as the amount of food they ate from the buffet. The satisfaction level for consuming potatoes came out on top due to their bulk and density. However, the way they were prepared was important: French fries fared much worse than their bland, dense, boiled counterpart.