What Are the Benefits of Water & Weight Gain?
Water is responsible for aiding in breathing and muscle function, nutrient transport, body temperature and metabolism regulation and removing wastes from the body.
Metabolism Retention Effects
Proper hydration with water helps to speed metabolism. A faster metabolism allows the body burn fat more effectively. According to physician Melina Jampolic, in an article published by CNN, metabolism may be slowed even if you are only 1 percent dehydrated.
Water Retention Effects
Dehydration signals the body to retain as much water as possible, leading to water-weight gain. The dehydrated body stores excess water in the hip, thighs and ankles. When the body is properly hydrated, however, it will release excess water, leading to temporary water-weight loss.
Other liquids such as milk and juice can help meet nydration needs, but caffeinated drinks cause dehydration and water-weight gain.
Average adults need eight cups of water per day to maintain proper hydration, and more water during physical activity.
If you drink only when you are thirsty, you may not be fully hydrated. According to Spark People, the body is already dehydrated by the time thirst signals occur. Drinking water regularly through the day maintains optimal hydration.