Why Do Women Have Belly Fat?
According to the Causes of Belly Fat website, the two most common body types are the apple- and pear-shaped bodies. Body shape is the result of your genetic makeup. The apple-shaped body type stores fat in the mid section more than anywhere else. If many of your relatives have excess belly fat, then chances are high that you will, too. This does not mean, however, that you are destined to have too much belly fat, only that heredity has designed you with a higher tendency.
Hormonal Changes
After menopause the hormonal changes that occur in the body change the way the body breaks down and stores fat. The result is often more fat accumulating in the stomach area than anywhere else.
When under stress, the body releases a hormone called cortisol. What this does is cause the liver to create extra sugar that the body does not need. The domino effect of extra sugar is a feeling of false hunger which in turn, causes you to eat more. Added to this is the fact that eating, especially comfort foods which are usually high in calories and low in nutrition, is a psychological way to soothe stress. The body takes all this extra sugar, turns it into fat, and then stores it in the belly.
Effects of Aging
As we age, our metabolism slows down naturally. Simultaneously, we are physically less active in our later years, which also contributes to weight gain. As the metabolism slows, female bodies in particular tend to redistribute fat from the arms and legs to the belly.
Overcoming Belly Fat
Understanding the causes of belly fat will help you determine new strategies for overcoming it. Belly fat in women is much more than a wider waist; it is a serious health concern. Fat around the internal organs can lead to breast cancer, heart disease, gallbladder problems, high blood pressure and more. In order to overcome belly fat, women need to combine healthy food choices with cardiovascular exercises and muscle-building exercises. Stress-reducing strategies and quality sleep also will help women to overcome excess belly fat.