How to Gain Weight for Men
Things You'll Need
- Weights for lifting
- Supplements of your choice
Eat enough calories. Include three meals a day in your diet and add calories in your snacks and beverages. Snack suggestions include a bowl of cereal, cheese and crackers, or a banana with peanut butter. Whole milk is also rich in protein and will help pack on the pounds. While you still need to eat healthy, you may allow yourself to have extra helpings to encourage weight gain. According to, it takes about 3,500 extra calories to gain a pound. Count your calories daily and jump on the scale once a week.
Start an exercise program. Even thought your goal is to gain weight, you don't just want to add fat--you want to add muscle, too. According to Men's Health, you should eat something after every workout--even if you are not hungry. Some suggestions include a small bag of trail mix or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Lifting weights (at least 3 times a week) will build muscle. A personal trainer may help direct you for more specific exercises. Cereal, rice, pasta and fruits will all help add carbs to your diet--giving you the fuel to continue your exercise program. You may also want to try low calorie, but high protein snacks and supplements to help build muscle, but not so much fat.
Reduce stress. For some people, stress causes them to gain weight. For others, it causes them to lose weight. Get plenty of sleep so your body can function properly.
Try supplements. Keep track of your daily diet and make a note of anything you might be missing. Some people gain weight just fine without any supplements at all.