Tips to Get Fat

With society's focus on staying thin and the public's increasing concern about the obesity epidemic, it may seem outrageous that someone would want to gain weight. In reality, many individuals actually try to gain weight, either for health or beauty reasons. For some, normal diet and exercise leave them feeling underweight. Luckily, there are few tips and tricks to getting up to the weight you desire.
  1. Eat More

    • Most of us know that one of the easiest ways to lose weight is to limit the amount of calories you take in each day; conversely, in order to gain weight one must increase their caloric intake. It takes about 3,500 calories, depending on your metabolism, in order to gain one pound of fat. A normal, healthy diet usually requires only 2,000 calories per day. Try to sneak these extra calories in by making time for three large meals and two to three good-sized snacks each day. If you are someone who is constantly on the run, and feel you don't have the time to plan for that much eating, ensure you have some food with you at all times.

    Exercise Less

    • Like calorie intake, dieters are generally told to exercise more in order to burn off calories. If you are simply aiming to gain muscle, you can still exercise quite a bit, however, your increased caloric intake will only result in more muscle. High-resistance exercises, such as weight training, are especially effective at building muscle. If you are trying to gain fat then make sure you limit your activity as much as possible. Try to keep your life as sedentary as you can by choosing lighter activities, such as reading or watching television, throughout the day.

    Watch What You Eat

    • What you eat is just as important as how much you eat. You are better off eating healthy foods high in unsaturated fat, like olive oil, or foods high in protein and carbohydrates, such as protein shakes or pasta. While it is important to your health to sustain a regular, healthy dose of fruits and vegetables, you should focus more on eating foods from the other food groups. Water, tea, and coffee are all beverages you will want to stay away from as they are diuretics and promote weight loss. Drinks such as juices, smoothies and milk are more substantial and will help you gain more weight and fat. Choose foods that are higher in fat and calorie content.

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