Why You Crave Sweets After Eating a Meal
Insulin, released by the pancreas after eating, spikes when you consumes a meal high in carbohydrates, especially complex carbohydrates including white bread, pasta, cookies and cakes. Sugary drinks and fruit are also sources of carbohydrates.
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The excess insulin released after consuming carbohydrates will cause the carbohydrates to be stored as fat instead of metabolized in the body.
The insulin spike in the body quickly drops, causing the person to become hungry shortly after his meal. The person will usually crave sweets like chocolate, cookies and cakes or other carbs, which will once again increase the body's production of insulin.
If you find yourself always craving sweets after meals, lower your intake of complex carbohydrates in each meal. Consuming fruit along with protein-rich nuts or yogurt will delay hunger attacks longer than if the fruit is eaten on its own.
Increase your intake of leafy green vegetables during meals, which will provide you with much-needed fiber to keep you full. Lean protein will also help you to feel fuller, longer. These foods are processed more slowly than carbohydrates. In return, you may find yourself craving less sweets after meals.