Loma Linda Diet
Loma Linda University is a licensed Optifast clinic. Optifast, which is offered at clinics across the country, is a 26-week program supervised by physicians, in this case the doctors working at the university's Center for Health Promotion.
The first 12 weeks of the Optifast program starts with an extremely low-calorie meal replacement plan made up of a variety of Optifast products. The company makes shakes, soups and nutrition bars that provide the bulk of calories for dieters during this 12-week period.
After the first 12 weeks, the program shifts gradually into one that features a more traditional mix of calories.
The Web site of the Loma Linda University's Center for Health Promotion recommends this program for patients who need to lose 50 pounds or more.
Lean Choices
The second weight-loss program offered by the Center for Health Promotion at Linda Loma University is Lean Choices. This program, which is recommended for people who want to change their eating habits, consists of a 12-week class in which nutritionists meet individually with patients to create a plan of healthy eating.
During the 12 weeks, patients will also learn about the importance of exercise and changing the way they think about eating.
Weight Orientation
Before starting on either diet plan, patients at the Center for Health Promotion must first participate in an hourlong weigh orientation. During the orientation, center medical staffers explain the basics of both the Optifast and Lean Choices programs. They also asses the patient's weight loss and weightmanagement goals.
According to Linda Loma University, there is no charge for this orientation session.
For more information on both the university's Lean Choices and Optifast programs, people are instructed to call the Center for Health Promotion at 909-558-4594.