How Can I Make My Treadmill Less Noisy?
Working Properly
Make sure that your treadmill is working properly. Greenway says that the biggest cause of excess noise is a loose bolt, a broken part, or something that is rubbing on something else. Get a fitness expert to come to your house and look at your treadmill. If you or someone in your family is handy, get down on the floor and look at everything. If you can see something rubbing against the floor, wall or other item, see if you can move that part out of the way or bend it back into place. Take caution when examining any moving part and make sure that the treadmill is unplugged before you mess with it. Having a repair person come to you is the best way to make sure that it is working properly.
Use a can of WD-40 and spray areas that rub or touch each other as you run. This might be the area where the running surface circles back around the bottom of the treadmill, or it might be the place where you move handles or other parts. Spritz the WD-40 onto these areas, run on the treadmill, and see if it gets any better.
Place a mat or thick rug underneath the treadmill. Often the vibrations are what cause the noise, says Greenway. You can eliminate noises and vibrations by putting a thick rubber mat under your treadmill, or even putting it on the carpet as compared to the hard floors. Take care when putting your treadmill on any surfaces, as you might find them slippery when you get on and off of the treadmill.