What Foods to Avoid That Are High in Chloesterol
Animal Fats
Animal products are a popular category of high cholesterol food. This includes red meat, egg yolks and whole milk. Hard boiled eggs almost reach the suggested limit of the recommended total daily cholesterol intake. Butter is also a source you should avoid. Cheese and ice cream also contain high cholesterol. Animal fats are a part of two main types of fat categories, saturated fats and trans fats, both of which play vital roles in raising your cholesterol levels.
Saturated Fats
Saturated fats are fats that clog arteries and are the main causes of high cholesterol. One main characteristic of this fat is that it is solid at room temperature. Saturated fats are found in animal products, like animal products, and also in baked goods. Some products containing saturated fats are commercially prepared muffins and cookies as well as fried foods. Other products high in saturated fats are plant-based, like coconut oil and palm oil.
Trans Fats
Trans fats are used in the manufacturing process to keep food fresh for longer periods of time. Trans fats raise bad cholesterol (that clogs arteries) and lowers good cholesterol (that carries cholesterol through other parts of your body, in a healthy way). This type of fat is found as additives and ingredients such as hydrogenated vegetable and shortening. Margarine, and packaged foods like cake mixes, soups and frozen foods all contain trans fats.
Nutrition Facts
Check the back of your foods for nutrition facts charted by the Food and Drug Administration to find out important information. This overview determines the nutrients, calories and amount of fat intake you may consume. The cholesterol section specifically outlines the grams in a serving size and the percent of daily value recommendation, according to a 2,000 calorie diet. This will help you determine if the food contains a high level of cholesterol and may help you decide if the food is a healthy choice.