The Best way to Lose Weight for Postmenopausal Women
Eat Smart
Stop dieting and start eating smart. Debra Waterhouse says that dieting can make you thin in ways you do not want, e.g., skin, muscles, bones and hair. But eating small portions of healthier foods on a regular basis will cause weight loss. If you are hungry, eat. But make choices that include lean proteins, vegetables, healthy grains and low-fat dairy products. Have your largest meal in the middle of the day and resist the urge to eat heavily in the late evening.
Reduce Stress
Reduce your stress levels. A stressed body produces cortisol, the stress hormone. This hormone can keep you up at night, cause you to overeat and make you likely to gain weight in the tummy area. Find a hobby that relaxes you. Take long, warm baths. Try a yoga class or get out and walk the family dog. Consider taking up meditation or listening to relaxing music.
Get a New Attitude
Change your attitude and habits. Having made it through menopause is an accomplishment. You need to celebrate your transition and accept your body as it is. With an attitude of appreciation, it will be easier to exercise and eat right because it feels good and improves your quality of life; not because you have to. Also, begin looking at new ways to support a healthy lifestyle. Take a cooking class, try a dance class, or go hiking with walking poles.
Build Strength
Exercise differently. Aerobic exercise is important for weight loss, but building muscle after menopause is particularly important to reduce your risk of osteoporosis (bone loss), breast cancer and osteoarthritis. It can also help you redistrigbute your weight. Do free weight training two to three times a week. Try a weight circuit class using different strength machines. Start doing wall pushups. Add a few lunges during your walks. Do yoga or Pilates at least once a month. You may even want to hire a personal trainer.